Sunday, July 25, 2010

Cekoh duriang di base Pak Presiden

Upacara cekoh menyekoh ini telah dimulakan sendiri oleh tuan rumahnya... Durian yang dikutip agak liat untuk dibuka, so teknik istimewa diperlukan dan selamat diperturunkan oleh Pak Presiden kepada para pemakan durian ...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Majlis bertandang ke rumah Pak Presiden..

Agak kebosanan membuatkan rakan-rakan bertandang ke rumah Pak Presiden dan disambut dengan ajakan mencari durian di kebun beliau...
Terima kasih kepada pak Presiden kerana menjamu kami dengan sebakul durian beserta pulut durian....hehehhe....

Friday, July 9, 2010

Spectrum Analyzer Tutorials


This site is intended to explain the fundamentals of swept-tuned, superheterodyne spectrum analyzers and discuss the latest advances in spectrum analyzer capabilities.

At the most basic level, the spectrum analyzer can be described as a frequency-selective, peak-responding voltmeter calibrated to display the rms value of a sine wave. It is important to understand that the spectrum analyzer is not a power meter, even though it can be used to display power directly. As long as w know some value of a sine wav ( for example, peak or average) and know the resistance across which w measure this value, we can calibrate our voltmeter to indicate power. With the advent of digital technology, modern spectrum analyzers have been given many more capabilities. In this note, w shall describe the basic spectrum analyzer as well as the many additional capabilities made possible using digital technology and digital signal processing.

Frequency domain versus time domain Before w get into the details of describing a spectrum analyzer, w might first ask ourselves: Just what is a spectrum and why would w want to analyze it? Our normal frame of reference is time. We note when certain events occur. This includes electrical vents. We can use an oscilloscope to view the instantaneous value of a particular electrical vent ( or some other event converted to volts through an appropriate transducer) as a function of time. In other words, w use the oscilloscope to view the wav form of a signal in the time domain.

Fourier 1 theory tells us any time-domain electrical phenomenon is made up of one or more sine waves of appropriate frequency, amplitude, and phase. In other words, we can transform a time-domain signal into its frequency- domain equivalent. Measurements in the frequency domain t ll us how much energy is present at each particular frequency. With proper filtering, a wav form such as in Figure 1-1 can be decomposed into separate sinusoidal waves, or spectral components, which w can then valuate independently. Each sine wav is characterized by its amplitude and phase. If the signal that we wish to analyze is periodic, as in our case here, Fourier says that the constituent sine wav s are separated in the frequency domain by 1/ T, where T is the period of the signal 2

Figure 1-1. Complex time-domain signal

1. Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier, 1768-1830.
A French mathematician and physicist who
discovered that periodic functions can be expanded
into a series of sines and cosines.
2. If the time signal occurs only once, then T is infinite,
and the frequency representation is a continuum of
sine waves.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Album RAE 2010

Mencari barang yang hilang...
Perbincangan selepas menjawab peperiksaan...

9W2RCV,9W2YMM bersama harmonic dan XYL 9W2WSC
Rakan-rakan HRC berkumpul...
9W2WSN bersama bakal XYLnya menyamar dengan harmonic..
SWL Pok Lie,9W2RCV,9W2WSN dan 9WZUQ
Pemandangan diluar dewan...
Bergambar kenangan bersama rakan-rakan...
Berkumpul dan berkenalan didaratan...
Rakan HRC...
Selepas tamat peperiksaan...
Pok Lie memantau rakan-rakan....
Menunggu rakan-rakan
Menarik ah baju bro nie... siapa gerangannya??hehheh
Keluarga bahagia????hehheh
Amir dan pok Rek...
9W2OKT disamping 9W2TDM yang berbaju celoreng...
9W2PNS, 9W2HHF dan 9W2RCV...
9W2KTJ bersama harmonic sabar menunggu rakan-rakan

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